Higher Ed Digital Marketing RFP Guide
Building a Successful Digital Marketing RFP
You recognize the power of digital marketing in higher ed and you're seeking the right strategic partner to help you achieve your goals. Assembling a great RFP is vital for attracting high-quality proposals for your work, but where do you begin?
We’ve put together a guide to help you write your next Digital Marketing RFP.

In our Digital RFP Guide, we break down each essential section of an RFP and why it’s important. This template works as a framework that allows you to drop your institution’s information directly into the document. We also include an evaluation rubric to score RFPs. Having that quantitative data is a huge help in the partner selection process.
This guide includes:
- Which information to include in your Digital RFP
- Examples of goals, priorities, timelines, and scope for Digital projects
- An evaluation rubric to score RFPs on a 100-point scale
- Finalist presentation questions after the RFP process is complete
Download the Digital Marketing RFP Guide.