Digital Insights for Graduate Enrollment Report
The Current Landscape of Digital Marketing for Graduate Enrollment
Welcome to the Digital Insights for Graduate Enrollment Report, developed and provided by Carnegie and NAGAP. As part of their ongoing partnership, these industry leaders have developed the second edition of the special Digital Insights Report, compiling invaluable data from Carnegie’s work with leading online and social platforms with direct input from NAGAP members.
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Data highlights.
In preparation for this graduate admission digital report, NAGAP surveyed their membership of graduate enrollment professionals about their digital marketing practices, budgets, successes, and questions. With 176 responses, the survey included professionals from both private and public institutions of all sizes for graduate schools that are both standalone programs or attached to undergraduate universities. Those surveyed included a few individuals with less than a year in the position as well as plenty of field-tested veterans.
reported that all of their digital marketing is done in-house (versus 24.4% last year)
believe budget is a barrier to success
want to learn more about geofencing
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