The Connection 2024

Industry Experts Are Joining Forces


Join us October 29th – 31st for The Connection 2024—a free higher education enrollment and marketing virtual conference where experts in our industry join forces to bring you inspiring conversation, new insights, and actionable content.

Registration will open in September—we look forward to sharing more details with you then!





Conference Details


The Connection is a free, three-day virtual conference for enrollment and marketing professionals. Industry experts will deliver content that is timely and relevant to our current landscape and applicable for all audiences, including undergraduate, graduate, online, adult, and continuing education.


As an attendee, you are invited to take in the full three days of content or pick and choose sessions that work best with your calendar.


We’ll be in touch when registration is live—for now, please save the dates on your calendar!


2024 Topics

We’re still building the agenda for 2024—check back with us later this month for updates!

Watch Last Year's Sessions.