The Connection 2023
See you next year!
The Connection 2023 has come to a close. Thanks to all who attended and to our speakers for delivering three days of great content.
What’s next?
All sessions were recorded and will be made available to registrants and attendees following the event. You will receive an email notification when the recordings are ready.
And after that? The 2024 Carnegie Conference is happening again in Disney! Save the dates: January 24-25, 2024. Register today!
Conference Details
The Connection is a free, three-day virtual conference for enrollment and marketing professionals. Industry experts will deliver content that is timely and relevant to our current landscape and applicable for all audiences, including undergraduate, graduate, online, adult, and continuing education.
As an attendee, you are invited to take in the full three days of content or pick and choose sessions that work best with your calendar.
2023 Topics
The Connection is a “choose-your-own-adventure” style event that allows you to pick and choose which sessions you’d like to attend. Sessions feature new insights and actionable content from some of the industry’s leading organizations and professionals. View the complete schedule.

Watch a Sampling of Last Year's Sessions.
Panel | Reality vs. Aspirations: Representing Diversity Authentically
Connection Conference | Join us for this interactive panel discussion on how to represent diversity authentically on campus. facilitated by Carnegie’s EVP for Enrollment &...
NAGAP | The Grad Enrollment Management Landscape: A NAGAP Discussion
Connection Conference | Join members of the NAGAP Board for a panel discussion focused on some of the opportunities, challenges, and insights surrounding the graduate enrollment...
Carnegie | Sustainable Storytelling for Higher Education
Connection Conference | Join Carnegie EVP of Creative Voltaire Santos Miran as he discusses the essential elements of on-brand digital storytelling and how you can build...