Website Copywriting

In the higher education space, it can often be difficult to stand out. You might offer the same program as hundreds of other institutions. So how do you differentiate your college or university? Through high-impact content, we craft a narrative that shines a bright light on the benefits that only you offer, and we describe them in a voice that is carefully tuned to your audience’s ears. We build content that resonates, that connects, and that makes your visitors feel as familiar with you as if they had visited you in person.

Content Planning

Creating amazing content requires planning. What are prospective students searching for? Are you answering their questions? Are they motivated to request information and apply to your school? Each copywriting project begins with a detailed writing plan. We utilize your site data and keyword research tools to put together a content strategy that will drive prospects to action.

Content Development + Copywriting

Every word on your website should help tell your institution’s story. Your brand story needs to shine through from every academic program page to every student profile. Our team combines industry insight and in-depth research to create content with the power to rank organically in search results. Answer your prospective students’ keyword inquiries with informative and compelling content that addresses their questions, offers solutions, and creates connections.

Academic Content Optimization

From program pages to admissions content to student life information, your institution’s academic content makes up the backbone of your website. Carnegie has been leading the charge on optimizing this kind of content for several years. With in-depth keyword research, we identify all of the ways that prospects search for specific programs and institutions and the information that they expect to find on your site. From there, we craft copy and metadata that will resonate with both students and Google. We create a positive user experience that entices prospects to further explore your institution.

Blog Content Development + Thought Leadership

While your academic content relays all of the facts and important information about your institution, blog and thought leadership content supplement these pages with more colorful stories and topics. Think, an article exploring “Careers You Can Pursue with an English degree” or a feature story about a current student. This type of content fills in the gaps. It answers the questions prospects have and tells the stories about your institution that make an impression. Carnegie’s experts help your college or university create exceptional, relevant content by researching the keywords that reflect their concerns and by establishing a relationship of authenticity and trust with your audience.

Virtual SEO Writing Workshops

With all that’s going on at your institution, there are so many stories to tell and successes to highlight. We know that it can be overwhelming for your content contributors to know where to get started with content and how to maintain it over time.
That’s why we offer virtual SEO writing workshops. Through a two-part in-depth, hands-on workshop, Carnegie’s experts share our excitement about the power of SEO and transfer our wealth of knowledge to your team. You’ll learn best practices for writing for the web, how to perform keyword research, how to measure content performance, and so much more. This is a great professional development option for your team.

You have only five seconds to captivate your audience. Make them count.

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