Carnegie Clarity™

Carnegie Clarity is an innovative full-funnel marketing attribution and website personalization service. Utilizing Customer Data Platform technology and a single line of JavaScript, Clarity tracks a user from their first visit to enrollment and serves personalized website experiences to individual users based on their unique areas of interest, position in the funnel, and more. Unveil the truth with Clarity™.

Behavioral Data

With just a single line of JavaScript, our team will uncover incredible insights into the behaviors and interests of your users. We analyze their roaming patterns to understand what content they’re exploring in different sections of the funnel.

Learn More About Your Prospects

Carnegie Clarity™ starts tracking during a user’s first visit, keeping a detailed log of frequency, page views, and how much content they’ve accessed throughout their journey. Resolve the mysteries of stealth applicants by looking back in time and enriching your own Customer Relationship Management (CRM) records with the data that Clarity™ collects.

CRM Data

When you have multiple marketing campaigns running simultaneously, Clarity™ helps you discover exactly which tactics drive the most growth. Identify the biggest influences on Requests for Information (RFI), event registrations, and applications— with no first-touch, last-touch bias. Don’t guess and gut-check. Instead, let the data reveal the truth.

Marketing Automation

Drive better engagement with precise audience targeting and significantly reduced costs per conversion, click and impression with seamless integration between your CRM data and advertising platforms.

Web Personalization

Leveraging past session, current session, or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data, we create a custom web personalization strategy that speaks directly to students based on funnel position and interests. Captivate students interested in a particular program with pop-ups and on-page messaging, or invite those from a geographic area to a local event—even before they submit their information.

Attribution Dashboards

Our Carnegie Clarity™ Dashboards bring everything together to deliver a multifaceted, comprehensive visualization of your enrollment data, with a data-driven attribution model and extensive filtering options. See which campaigns are having the biggest impact on enrollment, or explore the behavioral sections that intuitively display prospects’ habits by funnel position and program of interest.

Carnegie Clarity™ transforms complex insights about your prospects into customized experiences meant to influence their path along the enrollment funnel.

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