Slate Demo | If It Ain’t Broke, You Can Still Fix It: Utilizing the Workflow Editor to Enhance Existing Processes

When you have a process that works, it can be easy to spend your time elsewhere. After all, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. However, using the new workflow tool is worth the time to rebuild your existing application reader process (and make it better!) This session will show you how the workflow editor has made it easier than ever to integrate processes into Slate beyond reading applications: document processing, scholarship review, and course assignment are just a few examples. By keeping all of your workflow components in one easy-to-use tool, the dynamic workflow editor enables your processes to be more efficient, stable, and easy to audit if things go awry Standardized workflows increase productivity, data integrity, and the rate at which you can onboard new staff Walk away with workflow enhancements that are ready to be suitcased into your instance!