The Curb Cut Effect: Auditing + Optimizing Accessibility in Slate

In civil engineering, the curb cut effect is the positive impact created for everyone when disability-friendly features are enacted, such as adding a ramp to a sidewalk. Not only would a wheelchair user benefit, but so would a person pushing a stroller, delivering a package, or using crutches. In this session, we share Miami University’s pioneering process for auditing and ensuring accessibility across Slate. We share the rationale behind their efforts, and how they came to be a leader in higher ed on the topic. Then we’ll unpack how to make several Slate features more accessible, including forms and mailings. Let your enthusiasm for accessibility shine!

Originally presented at Slate Summit 2024.


Your Presenters.Your Presenters.

  • Hanna Kroskie Slate Advancement Implementations Strategist Persona The Attentive + Entertaining Thrill-seeker

    Hanna Kroskie serves as the Slate Advancement Implementations Strategist for Carnegie's Slate Optimization team. Hanna's experience in higher education as a Major Gifts Officer and Director of Development drives her ability to connect with advancement clients during their Slate implementation and consultations.

    Hanna Kroskie

    Hanna Kroskie serves as the Slate Advancement Implementations Strategist for Carnegie's Slate Optimization team. Hanna's experience in higher education as a Major Gifts Officer and Director of Development drives her ability to connect with advancement clients during their Slate implementation and consultations.

  • Nick Porcella Slate Communications Strategist Persona The Industrious and Meticulous Philosopher

    In life, Nick takes a minimalist approach to things. As your Slate Strategist, however, he dives in with enthusiasm to get you the maximum return on investment. Having spent more than five years in college admissions marketing, Nick knows a thing or two about optimizing Slate for each audience. In his spare time, he is a cherry pie and donut connoisseur (not usually together), and enjoys surrealist art.‍

    Nick Porcella

    In life, Nick takes a minimalist approach to things. As your Slate Strategist, however, he dives in with enthusiasm to get you the maximum return on investment. Having spent more than five years in college admissions marketing, Nick knows a thing or two about optimizing Slate for each audience. In his spare time, he is a cherry pie and donut connoisseur (not usually together), and enjoys surrealist art.‍

Watch the recording.