Higher Education requires a unique marketing approach. Instead of selling a product or a one-time event, colleges and universities have to make prospective students and their parents believe in the positive nature of a life-altering decision. Every tool to make that happen is a necessity, and digital marketing is a popular and powerful form of outreach to students today.

In this 30-minute webinar we dissect the results of our report and talk about how our insights can help you optimize your own marketing efforts.

You’ll learn:

  • The average digital marketing budget
  • How respondents feel about their institutions social media marketing goals
  • Which audiences respondents are spending money on
  • Opportunities to align tactics with where student spend their time

Your Presenter.Your Presenter.

  • Jaime Oleksik SVP, Business Development Persona The Meticulous and Inquisitive Adventurer

    Jaime is passionate about client partnerships and has an affinity for finding unique solutions to enrollment challenges and audience outreach. With more than a decade of experience in recruitment and enrollment marketing, she has held roles in undergraduate admission, international student recruitment, and visit programming at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) prior to joining the Carnegie team.

    Jaime Oleksik

    Jaime is passionate about client partnerships and has an affinity for finding unique solutions to enrollment challenges and audience outreach. With more than a decade of experience in recruitment and enrollment marketing, she has held roles in undergraduate admission, international student recruitment, and visit programming at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) prior to joining the Carnegie team.

Watch the recording.