AMA 2021 Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education

+ Gaylord Rockies Resort + Convention Center
+ 6700 N. Gaylord Rockies Blvd Aurora, Colorado 80019
Join Carnegie Chief Client Solutions Officer Scott Ochander as he discusses leading institutional change and consensus, and strategies for effective large-scale change management.


  • Scott Ochander Chief Client Solutions Officer Leading institutional change, Strategies for large-scale change management

    Scott Ochander is Partner and Chief Client Solutions Officer at Carnegie, a marketing and enrollment strategy leader in higher education since 1985 at 600+ university clients. Scott has led hundreds of marketing strategy and change projects within and for universities and in the corporate sector in over 50 countries.

    Scott Ochander

    Scott Ochander is Partner and Chief Client Solutions Officer at Carnegie, a marketing and enrollment strategy leader in higher education since 1985 at 600+ university clients. Scott has led hundreds of marketing strategy and change projects within and for universities and in the corporate sector in over 50 countries.


Marketing leaders are often burdened with the task of institution-wide change– something that comes with immense challenge and strategic reward. In this dynamic and demanding post-pandemic world, leaders need strategic frameworks to guide their thinking around managing conceptual change and consensus from within and across the institution. In this presentation, two established change leaders will share best practices, examples, and models for success as you prepare for your own strategic change efforts.