It’s that time of year again, the time when all your hard work and marketing efforts are measured against the results culminating on May 1, aka National College Decision Day. For some institutions, there will be celebration; for others, it will be a time to reflect on what could have been done differently. In most cases, the funnel will be analyzed: How can we get more applicants? How can we get stronger applicants? How can we reach more students with interest in a certain major or academic level of achievement? The answer is simple: through CollegeXpress.
At present, nearly 600 colleges and universities leverage CollegeXpress, the most powerful inquiry generation platform available. Feedback is consistent, and more than 90% of schools that participate in the CollegeXpress platform consider it to be an automatic part of their ongoing recruitment strategy. It is not uncommon for us to receive feedback like what we recently heard from Cindy Barr, Vice President of Enrollment at Catawba College:
“Catawba and Carnegie have a longstanding partnership. According to our first source/origin source inquiry research, PC&U leads consistently produce more inquiries, applications, and acceptances than any other lead generating service we use. Our origin source research also demonstrated that PC&U put more students in the incoming fall 2016 cohort than all other lead generating partners combined—for a small school like Catawba, that is huge.”
It’s not just small schools that experience the impact, according to Erin Petrotta of Oklahoma State:
“Carnegie Communications has been tremendous in helping us improve specific areas of our recruitment strategies at Oklahoma State University. We’ve been happy with the leads we’ve received through our presence in their undergraduate and international lead generation platforms.”
In addition to the quality of the inquiries we generate, schools also appreciate the fact that we do not put a cap on the number of inquiries we deliver during their subscription.
As you look inward to process this year’s outcome and prepare for the Class of 2022, now is the time to make the move to the most powerful lead generation engine in higher education. With a reach of more than three million students and parents and over 5.9 million inquiries delivered in 2016, there really is no good business case to not partner with Carnegie.
Contact us if you would like more information on our CollegeXpress lead generation platform!