The 2021 Connection: A Virtual Event for Higher Ed and Marketing Professionals will be here before you know it!
We’re so excited to be hosting The Connection—a virtual event for higher education and marketing professionals—this February. This free three-day virtual event will see experts in our industry join forces to bring you inspiring conversations, new insights, and actionable content. With so many big names in our space involved, there’s nothing else like it on the 2021 education recruitment marketing conference circuit—nothing.
We’re convinced this event is amazing, but don’t take our word for it. Check out this list of speakers and organizations involved and judge for yourself.
As this is the first of what we anticipate to be many Connection events, we’re sure you may have some questions. To help address a few we’ve heard so far, we thought we’d provide some of the most frequently asked questions and answers here.
Q: There are tons of virtual education conferences and events happening currently; what makes The Connection so different?
A: We’ve brought together some of the biggest names and organizations in both the higher education and marketing worlds for this event. From NACAC, NAGAP, GMAC, and the Common App to Slate, Google, Facebook, and Instagram, from PlatformQ Education to Campus Sonar to Underscore, we’ve purposely built this conference’s content and agenda to provide a “Choose Your Own Adventure”–type experience with something for everyone. Sessions will range from big-picture strategy, insights, and perspectives to day-to-day tactics and best practices. Topics covered will include enrollment and communication strategy, insights and research around student behavior, social media planning and approaches, leadership and professional development, digital marketing, and more!
Q: Who should attend The Connection?
A: Anyone focused on recruitment marketing or enrollment at an education institution will find this conference beneficial. From big-picture concepts to tactical advice, we’ve filled our agenda with valuable and inspiring content and speakers.
Q: Is this a user conference for Carnegie clients only?
A: Absolutely not! Everyone is welcome to attend The Connection. This conference does not focus on Carnegie’s services or products; rather, it’s an aggregation of perspectives, research, know-how, and strategy open to all recruitment marketing and enrollment professionals. If you are curious about what Carnegie has to offer, we’re happy to connect with you at any point (info@carnegiedartlet.com), but it’s not a focus for this event at all.
Q: Will the conference sessions be recorded?
A: Yes. While we encourage you to attend the sessions that you’re interested in when they happen live, we will be recording all sessions and making them available to registrants afterward. Most sessions will involve opportunities for a live question-and-answer discussion, so live participation and attendance is welcomed, encouraged, and valued—but you can still register if you can’t make it, then watch each session at your convenience.
Q: When and where is this conference being held?
A: The 2021 Connection will be held from February 23–25, 2021, virtually…so on Zoom, of course!
Q: How much does registration cost?
A: It’s free!
Q: Okay, I’m definitely coming! How and when can I register?
A: You can register here and now! And be sure to follow the conference back channel on Twitter with #TheConnection.