Carnegie Announces Pioneering Partnership with Technolutions to Deliver Student Search for Non-Slate Institutions
Leveraging the power of Slate as their CRM of choice, Carnegie will now serve both Slate and non-Slate campuses seeking an innovative Student Search partner. This is just one of many innovations Carnegie has made to their Student Search to help clients address the changing recruitment landscape.
Higher education marketing and enrollment strategy leader Carnegie announced today a pioneering partnership with Technolutions to deliver Carnegie’s Student Search exclusively through Slate. Carnegie now offers two options for campaign delivery: In a client’s Slate instance or a custom-built, Carnegie-hosted Slate instance. Carnegie’s Student Search solution is now accessible to all higher education institutions, regardless of the campus’ CRM of choice.
This partnership follows Carnegie’s acquisition of Fire Engine RED’s Student Search services and enrollment strategy talent, a strategic expansion of Carnegie’s Student Search service which will expand Carnegie’s capacity to serve colleges and universities as they adapt to the changing recruitment landscape. The partnership with Technolutions is key to meeting clients where they are with Student Search because it provides flexibility to operate Student Search from their own Slate instance, fully supported by Carnegie, or run their Student Search in a Carnegie Slate Instance parallel to their instance of Slate or institutional CRM of choice.
Carnegie’s choice of partner is all about providing data transparency, an essential tenet of a Carnegie Student Search. Carnegie believes that partners should own all purchased or sourced data and have access to real-time reporting as well as the support required to optimize campaigns at any time, which this partnership makes possible. “We love Technolutions because they are forward thinking and innovative. They have built the best CRM in the industry by delivering what their clients need most: a cost-effective, flexible, and user-friendly CRM. This is why we approached Technolutions about this partnership, to make Slate Carnegie’s CRM of choice,” said Megan Robinson, EVP of Student Search and Slate Optimization, Carnegie.
Carnegie is also driven by innovation, which is threaded through their Student Search solution. The Carnegie model is focused on impacting yield, which they deliver by increasing engagement and conversions at each stage of the enrollment journey. They offer full student life cycle strategies from a name purchase which includes market research to agile digital advertising and email campaigns to end-of-journey tactics like financial aid strategy.
Carnegie’s major differentiator is their connection philosophy and methodology. Their tactics create connection, influence affinity, and turn affinity into action. The connection strategy is based on their scientific methodology of crafting student personas with both demographic and psychographic (motivations, attitudes, and beliefs) data points to better understand a student to tailor messaging that resonates. Those personas are used to segment and personalize communications across email, digital, and print. The results of Carnegie’s data-rich approach are visible in either the college or university’s instance or now in a custom-built, Carnegie-hosted Slate instance—both providing critical data transparency and real-time reporting for Student Search partners.
“Carnegie’s Slate team, previously Underscore, was the first Platinum Slate Preferred Partner, and this expanded partnership continues our shared history of innovation. We are thrilled to partner with Carnegie to provide an alternative option to the Student Search solutions on the market: one that is purpose-built for today’s landscape and based on empowerment and transparency.” Alexander Clark, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Technolutions
To learn more about the Carnegie-Technolutions partnership and see if Carnegie is the innovative Student Search partner you’ve been looking for, attend the Slate Dive Deeper virtual event on May 6, where Carnegie will be the featured guest.
If you are ready to speak with someone about Carnegie Student Search, start a conversation today! We’d be happy to talk about your many options for a custom-built Student Search solution.
About Technolutions
Technolutions is a software development firm that specializes in the research, design, and development of information management systems serving the higher education industry. Founded in 1994 by Alexander Clark, Technolutions has served the education industry for more than two decades. In 2000, Technolutions introduced Slate, its flagship information management system. Technolutions has a rich history of being first-to-market with innovative, transformative technologies that keep its clients on the cutting edge. Slate remains the de facto standard bearer for admissions & enrollment, student success, and alumni & advancement technologies, handling the breadth and depth of these institutional offices.