As we move deeper into the enrollment cycle, many of our clients are looking at ways to use their online marketing campaigns to help with yield. “Applications are great, but there must be a creative way to reengage those students we have admitted.” We agree! Many colleges and universities have areas of their site that have been developed just for admitted students. Through e-mails, and often in the acceptance letter, institutions are directing prospective students to go to these pages, where they can interact with the school and other accepted students.
So they select your school… Now what? The same technology that can target stealth applicants at the early stages of the process can now be employed to deliver messages to accepted students. Once they arrive to the admitted student section, they can be tagged using pixels. Messages specifically intended for admitted students can be developed into creative banners and displayed to those students during their online browsing. We recommend messages covering topics such as your school’s value and prestige, events for admitted students, and touchpoints on how the prospective students would fit into the campus environment.
Don’t stop marketing at acceptance! There is an even greater story to tell, and targeting specific benefits to this important audience can yield big results.