I recently returned from attending NAGAP’s Summer Professional Development Institute in Las Vegas (I never recommend red-eye flights), where Carnegie had the opportunity to share some of what we’re seeing specific to graduate enrollment marketing strategies and discuss some of the key challenges admission offices are facing at the graduate level. While NAGAP’s mission as the leader in graduate enrollment management goes far beyond simply admission and recruitment, when it did come to those two things, there were definitely some common themes to many of the conversations. First and foremost, finding, reaching, and engaging the prospective graduate audience is entirely different than it is for undergraduate admission offices. While that’s a fairly obvious point, it doesn’t change the fact that a ton of challenges come with it.
In some respects, it’s like reading a Where’s Waldo? book. Prospective grad students aren’t always going to be simply raising their hand and shouting to you about who they are, where they are, and that they’re interested in pursuing a graduate degree. You have to devote a ton of attention and expertise to finding them . . . and once that is accomplished, you need to build awareness, get them interested in your institution and the programs you have to offer, and, finally, get them to take action.
As part of that conversation, we were excited to introduce and share some of the ways Carnegie is helping institutions with their graduate recruitment and enrollment needs:
- Graduate Lead Generation — Our GC&U service will deliver your leads every week of prospective students who have specifically expressed interest in your school/program.
- Digital Marketing — Carnegie’s online campaigns and strategies help build awareness and drive activity and enrollment for your programs where audiences are spending their time and while they’re engaged in research behaviors.
- Direct Marketing/Grad Search — We run customized multi-channel and multi-touch campaigns to any prospect list, helping at all stages of the funnel from awareness to yield.
The first question after hearing about these services that we provide is “Okay, how do you do that?” We’d welcome the opportunity to share with you exactly how we accomplish these things for the schools we work with and some of the results they are experiencing. From huge nationally known M.B.A. programs to very small niche programs, as well as for general promotion of graduate opportunities across all areas for a school, we can help.
Contact us today to learn more!