Okay, if you know anything about me, you know I’m a bit of a Disney dork. People in the office tease me quite a bit (heck, I even made the recommendation that we host The Carnegie Conference there). But, if we’re talking marketing, the “imagineers” for Disney marketing get it right just about every time. And I have firsthand proof from just yesterday.
When I got home, the mail was waiting on the counter. There was a brochure that listed my family’s name and asked us when our next trip would be. It discussed features they know our aged children would like (and obviously directed me to the website). It was personal, timely, and not overdone with too many words. My two daughters fought over who could hold it next, pass along readership at its best.
Now, rewind five hours. I distinctly remember being online and seeing Disney ads on the websites I visited. We do retargeting with schools here at Carnegie, so I’m no fool—I know why I saw the ad. But it had the same messaging as my direct mail piece, and the banner ad also led to the website.
I went to the site and started clicking around just because I was testing out the marketing (I’m an integrated marketing geek too). Nonetheless, I did say “you know, Brian (my husband), maybe we should consider planning our next trip” by the time I was done (I got an eye roll from him). While we didn’t book anything, it did get my mind racing (The Beast’s castle does open up next time we’re there, so we need reservations…I know that because I subscribe to the blog and got an e-mail this week too).
Let’s analyze. I’m an ideal prospective guest. They know that. They’ve contacted me with a consistent message by direct mail, e-mail, blog updates, online display ads, and I even saw updates on Twitter earlier too. My final outcome: I started to consider my next step in being there, despite my husband’s resistance.
Not all of us have Disney-sized budgets, but this is all scalable. The main point: an integrated multi-touchpoint marketing plan is the best way to ensure that your message is seen, read, and reacted to. You’ll not only increase the chance of reaching the single-focused prospective audience member, but for even that one person that subscribes to multiple platforms, you’ll give them that extra “oomph” needed to invest in your brand.
You can follow me on Twitter @meghdale; or on Google Plus as Meghan Dalesandro.