From NAGAP to TACAC to SACAC, this season is just full of conferences! It’s such a great time to connect with old colleagues, network and meet new ones, and pick up a few new tricks of the trade. That’s what we exhibitors hope for you—that you’ll learn something new . . . maybe even from us!
You’ll find a Carnegie person at just about every conference we can get ourselves to. And for us, exhibiting at these events is very similar to those admission teams standing behind the tables at college fairs. We look for ways to stand out amongst our competitors, just like you and your staff. We are eager and excited to share some of the new things we can offer our clients, the same way you have amazing opportunities to offer incoming students. Sure, we can give you a flyer or send along our media kit, but that’s just like you sending a student or parent home with a view book without having a conversation to see if your institution is truly a fit!
We like hearing about your current recruitment efforts, about any obstacles you may have, and what your new goals for the coming year may be. We may be able to help, and if we can’t, we may be able to recommend another company that can! I can tell you, a lot of our long-standing clients put a lot of trust in us. We’re partners, not just another exhibitor.
It’s true; we hear the good, the bad, and the ugly from our clients. We can offer a unique perspective, since we talk with so many schools day in and day out! We also hear about the latest trends and newest technologies. There’s so much good that can come out of a quick conversation with Carnegie.
So next time you pass by the room with the tables set up and attempt to put on your blinders, consider stopping in and having a conversation. We don’t bite! (Well at least us Carnegie peeps don’t.) Hope to see you soon!
Over the next couple of months we’ll be everywhere from WACAC to RMACAC to New England. Check out our full conference schedule here.
You can follow me on Twitter @jlukiewski; or on Google Plus as Jenny Lukiewski.