After watching this November’s election results come in, there was a lot of talk about the Hispanic vote and which candidate got their message in front of that growing population. Without getting too political, it has been widely acknowledged that President Obama was the most effective candidate in that endeavor. The same goes for college admission. Are you getting your message in front of the Hispanic audience?
The number of Latino students attending college (two- and four-year institutions) has reached an all-time high in the United States, now comprising the largest of any minority demographic at 16.5%. And, with more than 50 million people, the Latino community accounts for roughly the same percentage of the U.S. population (16.7%). According to the Pew Hispanic Center, a Washington, D.C.–based research organization, the number of Latino students (18–24 years of age) enrolled in four-year colleges rose to more than 1.2 million within the last year, and similar trends were seen among two-year colleges. Furthermore, the percentage of all Latino students ages 18–24 with a high school diploma or a General Education Development (GED) certification in 2011 rose to 76.3%. An assessment of PreK through grade 12 public school students also reveals the direction of the future: Latinos now account for almost one quarter of all public school students.
Having a dedicated strategy to reach this audience is key, and it can be accomplished through both traditional efforts and online targeting capabilities. On the more traditional side, our own Multicultural Edition of Private Colleges & Universities (PC&U) is closing out another record year in terms of lead delivery and student engagement, which supports the data about growing numbers within these communities. On the digital side, custom online display marketing can be run in, and focused on, the areas with growing Hispanic populations. And whether it be with a recruitment resource like PC&U, your own search and e-mail efforts, or your online campaigns, focusing on this audience will make the difference in your future recruitment success.
During this time of year, college-bound students are spending a lot of their free time shopping online, catching up with friends, and searching for schools. Make sure you don’t miss the opportunity to show them what you have to offer! Integrating your reach and messaging through both traditional and digital approaches is critical to making sure your campaign comes out on top.
You can follow me on Twitter @TimMorrow22 or on Google Plus as Timothy Morrow