Legal Master’s Conference

+ Mar 10, 2022
+ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
+ Beus Center for Law and Society
+ 111 E Taylor St Phoenix, Arizona 85004

Your Grad  Dam Website

A website is an institution’s greatest marketing asset. Yet most colleges and universities admittedly have websites that lack in areas essential to converting graduate student prospects at various stages in the funnel. From a lack of visibility in organic searches to content and layouts that hinder user experience, some websites can be more of a barrier than an asset for information and conversion. In this webinar, we’ll identify five potential issues causing your site to function more as a dam than a resource and review solutions to help you transform it into a free flow of accessible information optimized for conversions. Learn more and register for the conference here.

Your Presenter.Your Presenter.

  • Jaime Oleksik SVP, Business Development Persona The Meticulous and Inquisitive Adventurer

    Jaime is passionate about client partnerships and has an affinity for finding unique solutions to enrollment challenges and audience outreach. With more than a decade of experience in recruitment and enrollment marketing, she has held roles in undergraduate admission, international student recruitment, and visit programming at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) prior to joining the Carnegie team.

    Jaime Oleksik

    Jaime is passionate about client partnerships and has an affinity for finding unique solutions to enrollment challenges and audience outreach. With more than a decade of experience in recruitment and enrollment marketing, she has held roles in undergraduate admission, international student recruitment, and visit programming at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) prior to joining the Carnegie team.