2024 Carnegie Conference
The Higher Education Marketing and Enrollment Strategy Event
The 2024 Carnegie Conference is sold out.
If you weren’t able to make it this year, we look forward to seeing you in 2025 for this interactive and inspiring event.
To follow along on social check out #CarnegieConf and if you have any questions, please contact us at conference@carnegiehighered.com
The must-attend event for higher education enrollment and marketing professionals.
Join us as we explore the critical connection between marketing strategy and recruitment. The 12th annual Carnegie Conference is a must-attend event for enrollment leaders and recruitment marketers! This interactive and inspiring event is unlike any other in higher education. Don’t miss out as industry-leading experts join us to explain how you can adopt industry-leading market-centric strategies to ensure the success of your student recruitment plans.
With interactive sessions, actionable breakouts, and expert speakers, we will touch upon the marketing mix of traditional and digital tools that can lead to increased familiarity, stronger reputation, and meaningful engagement. If you attend one conference in 2024, make it count…and the Carnegie Conference will count!

Carnegie Conference by Numbers
Years of Carnegie Conference
Lifetime Conference Attendees
Why you should attend
This conference brings in experts from outside higher education to provide inspiration and higher ed application. And there is nothing else like it on the conference circuit.
Did we mention it’s at Disney?
Check out our Reasons to Attend blog for a taste of the content this conference brings each year.
"The Carnegie Conference completely changed the way I look at my work and provided me with countless resources to revolutionize my job." Dave Blehi
Event Coordinator, Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
Penn State University